DPS911 Release 1

Only two simple bugs for this release; Firefox OS has been decidedly difficult to get started with.

The first bug, bug 937443, involved changing a few strings within Gaia’s settings application. This gave me a chance to familiarize myself with the B2G project structure (so many repos!) and try out the various ways of running FFOS on an x86-64 computer.

The second bug, bug 927320, involved renaming some file/interface/class names related to the Radio Interface Layer, which gave me an excuse to fork and look into the base Gecko repository (gecko-dev). Just as a warning to anyone interested in cloning it, it’s freaking massive (around 1.3GB). I’m hoping to try a few hardware specific bugs for my next release.

Stay tuned for an update on my project page! If all goes well, I’ll be working on a resource monitoring application for FFOS that I hope will be incorporated into Gaia. I can dream at least 😛 My project page is currently empty, but you can find it here.

Bug 937443

Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=937443

Pull Request: https://github.com/mozilla-b2g/gaia/pull/15737

Bug 927320

Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=927320

Pull Request: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=927320

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